Workshop on the Lexicography of Indigenous Languages of the Americas

 Spring in Florianopolis


The making of dictionaries is one of the tasks where academic linguistics can most relevantly contribute to community language projects and language preservation. At the same time, it is a task in which native speakers can take a lead with relatively little linguistic training, and is thus a perfect candidate for community-led research.

A number of remarkable products have appeared in all parts of the Americas in recent years, from online platforms and tools to make data entry simpler in unfavorable work conditions, to publications in a more traditional format that show previously unseen detail in the description of meaning. Several challenges remain for all parts involved. Though training instances exist, not many open forums have taken place where innovations and challenges in dictionary-making can be discussed.

The workshop on Lexicography in Indigenous Languages of the Americas aims to fill this gap by gathering linguists, native speakers, language activists, and other stakeholders to discuss dictionary-making in an environment supportive of non-academic approaches and practical community initiatives. Native speakers of Indigenous languages involved in dictionary-making are particularly encouraged to participate, and the challenges that are specific to their work are a major focus of the workshop.

Guest speakers

Call for abstracts

Abstracts at most one page long (with an optional extra page for references and examples) for (a) 20-minute talks and for (b) posters may be submitted until June 15th 2024 (extended from May 15th). Abstracts should be written in English, Spanish, Portuguese or French. Talks and posters themselves may in addition be delivered in any indigenous language of the Americas.

Abstracs should be sent by email to, with subject line "LILA abstract", and the following information in the body of the message: (1) title of the talk, identical to that in the anonymous attachment, (2) author(s) name(s) and institution(s), (3) whether the abstract is for a talk or a poster, (4) address for correspondence. The sender's email address will be used as the correspondence address if another address is not specified.


Organizing committee

Previous editions

The first LILA was held at the University of Ottawa, Canada, in October 2022. The page for that event may be visited here.